Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Sew: Lambchop

Today is the start of a tradition I am making, to sew something new on each holiday. For Christmas, I made Lambchop. I finished her in one day (today.) :)
She is made from a soft cottony fabric (body) and flannel for her face. She has a lace maroon ribbon tied around her next as a festive sort of thing, her everyday-ish ribbon is a woven cream-colored one.
Her face (mouth and eyes) and entire body is hand stitched by me, my mom helped with closing the hole I left un-sewn to stuff and she also helped with sewing on the face patch (the tan patch on her face) Other then that, it's all done by me. I'm so proud of it too!

Horrible quality picture time!

I'd love to show this to my kindergarden teacher, who always got mad at me because I could never get my stitches right. Well HA! look at me now! :D I'm sewing like a pro, dude!


  1. Very nice Juel. You have so many talents. Drawing, photography, sewing, and your writing is excellent.

  2. So cute!!!

    I like sewing too.

    P.S. You show that kindergarden teacher!

  3. if I ever find her, I will show my kindergarden teacher!

  4. Lamb chop is sooo cute! I bet you can sew better than your kindergarten teacher!
